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HY Van

Scris: Mie 09-Iul-2008 16:57
de cv2adi
Nu reusesc sĂĄ micsorez poza nici acu,am sĂĄ rog un anmic care le are pe astea. :(

Scris: Mie 09-Iul-2008 19:33
Nu reusesc sĂĄ micsorez poza nici acu,am sĂĄ rog un anmic care le are pe astea.

PĂŁi de ce s-o micÂşorezi? Ce vrei sĂŁ faci cu ea?

LE: am vĂŁzut ĂŽn celĂŁlalt subiect care e problema; am mĂŁrit timpul. :wink:


Scris: Joi 10-Iul-2008 07:46
de cv2adi
Am observat cĂĄ timpul e mĂĄrit,multumiri,asta e mai lesne acu.De micsorat a-si fii dorit s-o fac sĂĄ fie exact cit ecranul calculatorului sĂĄ nu trebuiascĂĄsĂĄ te plimbi pe pozĂĄ incoace si-n colo ca sĂĄ vezi poza,poate e mai comod.Cel putin pt mine este.Cu bine,Adi :D

Scris: Vin 12-Dec-2008 12:07
de hippo
Salut Marc,
Imi permit sa-ti scriu in limba romana pentru ca stiu ca o cunosti, iar daca prin absurd te vei impotmoli, te va ajuta Ica :) . Poate te intrebi de unde stiu atatea... ne-am cunoscut cu aproximativ 2 ani in urma, la cateva zile dupa ce ati deschis Cocoon-ul (mii de scuze daca rasucesc cutitul in rana, dar stiu ca va leaga amintiri foarte placute de acel loc).
Mai vorbim si cand voi mai trece prin Sibiu, va voi cauta.
Alin (sau hippo pe forum)

Citroen HY in Sibiu

Scris: Vin 06-Feb-2009 07:26
de Marc Pomat

Scris: Vin 06-Feb-2009 09:52
de DanT
Owsome. Marc!

Keep it up! :D

please, do keep us posted each time there is something new .. I'm always shining when I hear something extraordinary regarding Citroen enthusiasts :lol: =D>

Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 09:19
de Marc Pomat

Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 09:34
de DanT
Magnificent Marc .. =D>

This car of yours never seases to amase me .. Maybe you can join us for the national meeting on 17-19 July held near Odorheiu Secuiesc .. :):)

I'm astoned to see such a good an high quality for a old vehicle in Romania.
For you, suited I think it is "oldies but goldies" in this state .. BRAVO!

Hey, can you please give some more details about the bodywork and the paintjob done? was it you who did it? if not, maybe you can give us more details about the workshop where it was done.. many thanks in advance :)

Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 11:32
de nicum
Why did you payed pollution tax for this historic vehicle?

Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 12:53
de Marc Pomat
I did everything myself last summer in the courtyard of a friend.The body was in pretty bad condition as all French cars from that period.The ribs in the car were made to increase the rigidity so they could make the metal thinner.Specially the front wings were completely f....t.You could put your fist under the wing straight to the driver seat. :D
70 % of it is remodeled with glass fiber.Also the "Clapeta" is made of it.
I been working 10 years for a company making parts of glass fiber so that part was a peace of cake.The paint job was done outside in the wind with a cheap paint from Hungary and a 50 Lei pistol from Baumax. The whole bodywork cost me about 150 Euro in materials,you could say almost for free.

Regarding the registration cost of 2000 Euro:

in Europe a car is considered "Oldtimer" from the moment that it reach 25 year.
In Romania they consider 30 year after the last production year of the type with for the HY was 1981.
we consider our self lucky that we paid it 2 days before those bastards tripled the shit.

That little sequence was taken at the Sibiu Rally sponsored by Citroen were we were invited by Didier Gerard the director of Citroen Romania



Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 12:59
de Marc Pomat
I forgot to post the link idiot that i am. :roll:

Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 13:34
de DanT
Nice story to hear ..:)

and the car now is sight for sore eyes ..:):0

on the other hand, are you willing to do some other parts (for other citro models .. BX is e.g.) ..

Myself I'm looking forward atteding EuroCitro this year and I could use some parts rebuilt ..

what do you say?

We can use private messaging if preffred or email for further discussions on this topic.

I'm available on both channels.


Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 15:45
de nicum
Marc Pomat scrie:in Europe a car is considered "Oldtimer" from the moment that it reach 25 year.
In Romania they consider 30 year after the last production year of the type with for the HY was 1981.
we consider our self lucky that we paid it 2 days before those bastards tripled the shit.

I think this tells everything about our country.

Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 16:12
de DanT
do not show a sad face in romania ..:):)

this is not everything ..

Romania can be different if any one of us tries to do a little better and a little more each day ..

stupid persons are everywhere , all we need to do easy to stay away from them ..

duck if necessary ..

Romania can be different if we want to!

Scris: Lun 09-Feb-2009 19:18
de Marc Pomat
It can be different if you want to,don't forget:

" YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE GOVERNMENT YOU DESERVE",if you take shit you get shit :D

Enough politics.


p.s I don't know about making parts,this little business takes all of my time but i'm willing to give some teaching through the net if it helps ,it's not rocket science :D